Wednesday, November 5, 2008

See I Told You We Are Not The Racists!!!

Having been in the people business for decades and having employed literally thousands of and white and yellow and red and blends I have always known we, as a nation of mixed ethnicities are intentionally racist. Now one on one we could have been judged as such by militant minded people... and now we find that they....the militant blame sayers may possibly soon???? lose all their power.

All that having been said... I was NEWVER against Barack Obama's heritage... whatever that is... I was and am now more concerned about his, soon to be proven, hallow promises and his real motivation for power.

A major and my number one immediate concern is for Social Security. The funds are being depleted rapidly and due to people living longer there will not be enough for those hard working contributors who have continually donated to the fund throughout their hard working employment. They will soon find the fund has run dry due to non-working,illegally employed (paid under the table)raping our economy...And Barack... if we let him... will still reward them with our money.

While the the ignorance of the populace scares me...I will again reiterate...we are NOT a racist society...SOOOOOO Jessie Jackson, Al Sharpton, John Conyers, Charlie Wrangle and all the Blame Game Players just shut up!!!! At least your "self created" pity poor us may have finally least we have one thing to thank Barack's big money funders for, so thanks.

We still have a job to do and as I have repeately said, "it ain't over 'til the fat lady sings and I am not opening my mouth". My job is now to write, talk, educate and elevate... People need to be TRULY informed with the real facts and issues.

Remember the nursery rhyme...The three blind mice who got their tails cut off with the carving knife? They were informed but ignored the facts..... so be informed...get involved and then they cannot cut us off or grind us down!!!!! Keep on keepi' on.... I will....Love and God Bless! June Cain Miller Henry..still Proud to be An American!!!!

1 comment:

Hye Lady said...

yes- you say what is in my heart. keep up the good work. Especially in the coming years-we need voices of reason like yours