Friday, August 29, 2008


I would love to know who the writers, producers and directors were that should get their Oscar for a well written, produced, directed speech that was delivered by their up and coming, rising, star, Barack Obama delivered without a noticable flaw.

By enlarge the show was fiction as the facts were manufactured but it was well produced enough to convince the uninformed lemmings that will buy anything and follow their new found leader, also manufactured.

I am really tired as I have been up for days due to sitting vigil at my husband's hospital bedside, driving home and then being addicted to all the channels checking who, why, where and what was being said about convention info and candidate selections as well as all the kissy, kiss speeches.

Come here over the weekend and I will point out the flaws made by the very mislead, ill informed young man on the democrat ticket and his plegerizing VP. They both seem to do well using and delivering other people's words but they really should check the facts.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Did I Steal Hillary's Thunder?

I was surprised and amused at Hillary's being soliticous when she mentioned Harriett Tubman. I should say Harriett Tubman Davis, as one of her heros. She must have read my blog of the day before her speech obviously geard to the Women's Movement when she was pretending to be backing Barack Obama in his run for president.

Hillary did well to take the advice and directives of her media team. In her strong delivery she proved to be an active listener and follower. Of course it has never been a secret that she became a senator due to the backing of women that still believe men are the enemy and with the support of a lot of whimpy hypocritical men and power mongers.

I went from channel to channel for critques and could not believe how many of the previously mentioned whimps, and some men and women that I thought were not, that praised her. Her delivery was strong and her points, geared to women, were made and unfortunately bought by too many that she, along with her misinformed followers, are soley responsible for 18million cracks in the glass celing. Where has she been I crashed through the celing along with others years ago. Oh, she did mention Barak a couple of times within her speech but not about anything specific... ya know why? There was nothing about which she could be specific. She took advantage, or so she thought, for laying her ground work for the year 2012.

I will evaluate the speech given by her partner in crime rendered to make him and them appear to be the good guys, along with the speech given by Joey Bieden, a very good family man, but Vice President? This will be after the circus leaves town. Later... and don't go 'way!


The following was forwarded to me by a guy from my church that should really be a stand-up comedian instead he has chosen to simply be a stand-up guy. Thank you Steve Edwards for my blog of the day with some minimal alterations!


I Am the Liberal-Progressives Worst Nightmare. I am an American, I believe in God!
I ride Harley-Davidson Motorcycles and believe in American products. I believe the money I make belongs to me and my family, not some Liberal government functionary, be it Democrat or Republican! I'm in touch with my feelings and I like it that way!
I think owning a gun doesn't make you a killer, it makes you a smart American!

I think being a minority does not make you noble or victimized, and does not entitle you to anything, So, Get over it!

I believe that if you are selling me a Big Mac, do it in English. I believe everyone has a right to pray to his or her God when and where they want. My heroes are Harriet Tubman, Maggie Thatcher, Everett McKinley Dirksen, Ronald Reagan, Babe Ruth, Roy Rogers, and Willie G Davidson that makes Awesome Harley-Davidson Motorcycles.

I don't hate the rich, I wish I were one of them. I don't pity the poor. I know wrestling is a fake and I don't waste my time watching or arguing about it. I've never owned a slave, or was a slave, I haven't burned any witches or been persecuted by the Turks and neither have you! So, shut up already.

I believe if you don't like the way things are here, go back to where you came from and change your own country! This is AMERICA and we like it the way it is! If you were born here and don't like it you’re free to move to any Socialist country that will have you.

I want to know in which churches the Reverend Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton preach, where they get their money, and why they are part of the problem and are not the solution. Can I get an AMEN on that one?

Also, I think the cops have the right to pull you over if you're breaking the law, regardless of your color. And, I don't mind having my face on my drivers’ license. I think it's good..And I'm proud that, if I had any, 'God' is written on my money!

If you are too stupid to know how a ballot works I don’t think, I want you deciding who should be running the most powerful nation in the world for the next four years.

I believe anyone wanting to be president of the United States should put his/her hand over his/her heart and say the pledge of allegiance and should not have any reservations about wearing American flag pins. Can I get an AMEN on that?

I dislike people standing at intersections trying to sell me stuff or trying to guilt me into making 'donations' to their cause of the day. Get a Job and do your part! I believe that it doesn't take a village to raise a child, it just takes two parents.

I believe 'illegal' is illegal no matter what lawyers think. I believe the American flag should be the only country's flag allowed to wave in AMERICA! If all this makes me a BAD American, then you got it, I'm a BAD American very grateful and proud that I LIVE IN THE LAND OF THE FREE, ONLY BECAUSE OF THE BRAVE!

Monday, August 25, 2008


I place the name of Cindy Henley McCain as our next First Lady in a league with the ladies of dignity, charm, intellect, endurance and compassion that I have admired, respected and in many ways used as mentors; Harriet Tubman, Margaret Thatcher, Nancy Reagan, Betty Ford, Barbara Bush, Jeanne Kirpatrick and Laura Bush.

Along with these ladies of renoun are my stay at home Mother and the stay at home mothers of many of my life long cheerished friends of different ethnicities and color. I love that I have used as examples women that have had their ups and downs, trials and tribulations, heartaches and scrutiny and through it all are, in my eyes, real winners in the game of life.

Yes, life is a game and once you know that and how well you follow the rules to the end of the game you will either win, lose or draw. I choose winning so I am trying very hard to stick to the rules and then maybe when I grow up I can be just like any one of the previously mentioned powerful women. God Bless you one and all!


If flip flopping was an Olympic Event a ton of Democrats would have easily come home with the Gold, Silver and Bronze...and not for just the 2008 magnificent event. Several flip floppers come to mind...LBJ, McGovern, Kerry, Edwards, Beiden, Obama and soooo many more. I am sure a democrat will come up with Republican names but trust me... there is no contest even down to politics at the grass roots level.

Recently Joe Bieden said that he felt Barack Obama does not have the experience or qualifications to be the leader of our great soverign nation. He, Bieden, also said he would happily serve with or against McCain. Would you call that the ultimate Flip Flop? I would? Joe Bieden has always been well known as a politican wanting power no matter at what cost, how or where he gets it. Well, I finally found an issue on which I can agree with Bieden...Obama is not qualified!

When it comes to flip flopping there is a definte difference between flip flopping and changing one's mind. I made it no secret that I was for Mitt Romney based on his family dynamics, proven business expeience, his ability to work with both sides of the asile, his compassion and understanding along with a willingness to offer a hand up but not continuing our ever growing practice of handouts.

There were issues that caused my hestitation regarding John McCain; Open borders, abortion, McCain-Fiengold, Waterboardering, etc. I did and do admire his proven dedication to the country. In doing a much deeper and further investigation of the man I find that I will, without hesitation, vote for McCain because of his Romney similarities. Also, I no longer feel he is the least of the Liberals. I firmly believe he will choose the right cabinet and advisors.

Because I find John McCain to be an active listener I am sure, since he already has already done so, will from time to time change his mind... I do not consider him a Flip Flopper in anyway. He is charged with having a temper... so what?...At times it couldn't hurt.

The issue of CHANGE is a joke.. We had a man in the Whitehouse for waaaay too many years that, in order to get votes and power, offered us the same thing ... That CHANGE was called the New Deal. A program that funded the party of Tax and Spend the electorate's money with nothing in return for us but votes for them.

With the New Deal we had FDR and today we have Obama, the new kid on the block, both Alinsky trained offering the very same New Deal under the banner of Change. Barack and his throng of ill informed Campus Kids attack McCain's age... Well I have a message for them..."Age is a matter of Mind and if you don't Mind it doesn't Matter" and I certainly DO NOT mind... I'll go with someone that has been there, done that and has proven experience, wisdom and knowledge everytime. So, Be Informed...Get Involved...Vote logically and then they can no longer grind us down! God Bless us one and all!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Cosrsi's book...Obama Nation should be a must read to better understand why a vote for Barack Obama might be the end of our NATION!!!!

My only hope is that people will not blame reasons for not voitng for Mr. Obama on color, age, lack of experience. Corsi and I have very sound reasons for saying you had "Better Beware" or it will be too late!

If in reading this if you believe you have what you consider to be good sound reasons for casting your valuable vote for Barack as our leader then please respond and tell me upon what facts you base those considerations.

While John McCain was not my choice as our leader I contend he is the choice we must make in order to not literally give away what we have left of the United States of America as a soverign nation!

I will happily go into detail with anyone not in agreement with me. In the meantime and before debating the issues read Obama Nation-Jerome Corsi and by all means and especially for young and female voters, you must read The Chipping Away of America- by me June Cain Miller. I know more of the facts that have not yet been revealed or discussed. Oh, and by the way... God Bless America and all it's inhabitants!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


As I mention in my book...The Chipping Away of America... I was taught by my Father, family, clergy and many friends that it is never good to hate. Unfortunatel many of those people did not stay on the planet long enough to experience the situations that have caused my hates. You see, my hates, unlike those name calling personal attackers, are not personal hates, they are situational. Yes, you can hate situations enough that you hopefully will reach a point where you say, "enough is enough" which is where I am and what has compelled me to list my hates in book form.

I wrote the Chipping Away of America in the hopes readers will wake up and join me in saving what is left of this formerly free and open country. The United States of America was a nation of promise with a lady in the harbor inviting those poor, tired and weary needing help and a hand up to join with the members of those helping to develope our soverign nation.

I hate that there are those that have made that open invitation meaningless by sneaking into the country. A country that has been developed by the sweat of the brow and off the backs of those willing to give a hand up. Instead, since the 20's and even sooner, there has been growing numbers of those, who to gain power, influence and money that have developed a nation with the mind set of entitlement.

Sooo read the Chipping Away of America and you will see that it is understandable that I would hate the situations that continue to cause me to fear and hate. Unlike many of the vocal name calling politicians of today I do not hate personally but I do hate situations. Help me to regain and share my loves! I do love good roads and fair weather. AND I am here to educate and elevate to, with your help, hopefully clear the air.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Thank God we finally got a Harvard grad, who it is said excelled in his studies, to come up with the simple solution to our extremely high cost at the pump...gas that is!!! I am left to wonder why he has kept the solution so secret for soooo long.

The price of gas has been dropping since Barack, at his most recent prolific photo and liberal press opportunity, told the world to JUST inflate their tires and have a lube job. His contention is that in doing so less gas will be necessary to get people where they need to go and then the oil providers will panic and the price of gas will drop!!! What a potential leader??? What a Joke!!!! The scary thing is there are people... and way too many in number....that will praise this Obama intellect?? No thanks! I will continue voting into office, especially that of my Commander in Chief and the man that will choose a cabinet of proven experience, not the new kid on the block. I wonder what Barack wants to be when he grows up. I guess his backer's will have other plans for him.

I noticed in the film trailers being shown to promote the movie (probably produced with Soros and friends money)about Barack and his wife, who is finally proud to be an American and how the JFK image is glaring down to placing the little girl under the president's desk. In a way it is ashame the Obama's did not have a little boy named John and then the image would have been complete.

Before you vote Be(get)Informed. A great leader of this country told us that you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. That great man was, you know the man responsible for freeing the slaves and the one the democrats called two faced to which he responded, "Do you think if I had two faces I would have chosen this one"? Oh, in case you don't know your history prior to revisions.. that great man was Abe Lincoln, a Republican!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The PITIFUL PARTY PUPPET ... is, Barack H. Obama, our democrat candidate wanting to become our COMANDER in CHIEF... I don't think so! In reality I do not give him the credit for flip flopping he is simply changing with the wind as the person pulling the strings as he listens to that little plug in his ear OR as he turns his head from side to side reading the scripting being fed to him via three teleprompters that we, in my day, used to call idiot cards... a very applicable description.. would't you say? Of course you would... or should!!!

Talking about idiots... when, why and how did it become fashionable for people to blindly follow and cheer the new KID on the scene? When? has been in the works for decades...Why? For decades we have had socialists, communists and facists (the big three) working the plan. How? Because way too many people have lived the dream of government hand outs and entitlements. They, the lemmings, have believed the promised lies of "vote for me and I will make it all better"! The biggest lie... I should say lies...ever told to get the vote and gain the power to run our lives. It is called social engineering!

My first preference for COMMANDER in CHIEF come this Novemeber was not John McCain as I felt he was far to liberal in that he seemed to flip flop on issues of importance to us as a nation that may or may not survive if we cast the wrong vote.. My first choice was Mitt Romney based on his PROVEN abilities as a leader, a business man and a successful, sometimes middle of the road politician in a very liberal democrat state. I found him to be a rarity in this day and age of knowing we are a representative form of government and as such he represented his constituency regardless of their party affiliation and not necessarily his personal wishes or views. In other words I trusted that he would be there to represent the majority.

I feel if, today, we have any chance to save what is left of our former Republic and/or Democractic form of governement we must vote in the lesser of the liberals and a man with proven staying power that will stay the course. Our soverign nation was formed and developed by men of wisdom, experience and sacrifice. Men that at times made mistakes and lived to correct many of those mistakes. Those men were followed by other men of age and experience that used the mistakes as an education in correcting mistakes thus we were given a legacy and a legacy even for those now trying to screw things up.

It is time we get the message to the new and inexperienced kid on the block, B.O.(and yes what he contends he can and will do stinks) that age is a matter of mind and if you don't mind it doesn't matter.. and I firmly believe John McCain does not mind. He is a proven entity. Barack the PARTY PUPPET who, when and until, if ever, he may show that he has gained some lessons out of the chirade he is playing by allowing himself to be used to fool most of the people too much of the time. He needs to grow up. He reminds me of many of the women that have worked for me over the years...who, within two years, and many times sooner, think they can do a better job then the men to whom I had assigned them .

More then Barack Obama's inexperience he is truly a danger and I mean a real and very serious danger! There is much..soooo much that has not been revealed about his purpose, goals and of those behind him. He and his party have laid plans over many decades that they are very close to putting into fruition thanks to the use of their PITIFUL PARTY PUPPET. Barack is a true and proven lemming. Remeber...what I insist, Be Informed..Get Involved and Don't let them grind us down. More... much more later. You need my book before the election. "The Chipping Away of America". We need to stop the chipping 'cause they, and they know who they are.. are ready for full time CHOPPING