Friday, July 25, 2008


At this writing I am slightly emotional and in a rush so do not judge me on grammar or composition but trust me these are my words. While listening to Barack again speaking out of both sides of his mouth from his scripted material while in Europe and the Middle East and covered by the 3 formerly big networks I decided, that instead of throwing up I would write the following: Full story and sooooo much more in my book, The Chipping Away of America ordered through

Socialists FDR and Saul Alinsky, author of Rules for Radicals, knew it would take time for the chipping away of America. Alinsky was the subject of "Hillary Rodham's senior honors thesis at College was "There Is Only the Fight." Hillary commented on Alinsky's "charm," but rejected his philosophy of organizing a grassroots community as being outdated… Big mistake Hillary! Perhaps she did not have what she thought it takes to work the campus crowds. She missed out on the campus big bucks. Once Hillary became First Lady of the White House suppressed her thesis.

Alinsky also seems to have a significant and lasting influence on Barack who uses the Alinsky techniques for rallying followers in laying the ground work for his political goals. He actively participated in several Chicago organizations and joined a church in the ‘80s as he methodically prepared for, his first step, a senate seat with his eyes set on an eventual run for the White House.

You had better believe me when I say that society has good reason to fear the radical. In his book "Rules for Radicals" Alinsky outlined his strategy in organizing, writing, and speaking, by saying that while it may take time revolutionary change must always be preceded by maintaining seemingly passive, affirmative, and non-challenging attitudes toward change among the masses. These people must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, with no hopes in their prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and any chance for the future.

Alinsky’s tactics requires steadfast movement with action knowing real action is in the enemy's reaction. The enemy, properly goaded and guided in his reaction, will be a major strength. With the support of groups, the press and movie industry Alinsky’s tactics worked then and still works by using his formula for success: Barack Obama is a disciple of the Alinsky’s of this decade. Barack Obama worshipped at the altar of Alinskyism. In Rules for Radicals, Saul Alinsky scolded the ‘60s Left for scaring off potential converts in Middle America. He said revolutionaries do not flaunt their radicalism, he insisted, “They cut their hair, put on suits and infiltrate the system from within.” He felt they must inspire people and build their trust. Does the name Barack Obama along with his tactics fit the description and that of the Socialist's philosophies? Obama and his handlers have concentrated on the more elite college campuses because the young people can financially afford to follow the leaders and foot the financial bill required to be a true and consistent disciple.

Over the decades Alinsky's therory has proved that ridicule and innuendo are people's most potent weapons. He said that a tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” And, "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. He told his followers and believers that belief in propaganda is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. The major premise for all his propaganda tactics is the development of, “If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Pick the target, freeze it, polarize it and personalize it. Learn to kill by innuendo. Tell the story often enough and to enough people it will eventually become a fact remembering it takes time and patience and maybe decades.”

Does the term social engineering sound familiar? All this began back in the ‘30s when Alinsky saw the potential for more power and money in gathering people the gullible followers. He convinced different groups that he and his party (the Democrats) was the answer. He viewed revolution as a slow, patient process that may take decades. Divide and conquer was the key to his well-planned cause that after the 60s fully escalated in the ‘90s and is now at full scale in 2008.

Alinsky penetrated existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties in his native city of Chicago. He had and cultivated close ties and friendships with crime bosses such as Frank Nitti—Al Capone's second-in-command. Remember the Valentine’s Day Massacre? Alinsky owned police, judges, and politicians that gave him clout, power, money, and safety with the street people. Today Barack has the power of the divide and conquer ethnic groups, the press, TV and much of radio.

It is written how George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Jay Rockefeller and ‘60s radicals have seized control of the Democrat Party. Unfortunately the uniformed masses, brainwashed and indoctrinated to vote accordingly, have definitely not attributed to making our country better. Instead since the ‘30s we have become progressively worse. And, again, through movies, education, celebrities, liberal politicians, along with the liberal press and the huge number of illegal aliens raping our system, things have not only gotten much worse, but the future doesn’t look hopeful or very promising either.

In doing much of my Alinsky and Obama research the following came up. It seems the group listed below are the people doing much of the speech writing and advance work for building a background of different ethnicities, depending upon the location and speech of the day or to position a smaller crowd to sound and look much larger… a trick of the trade.

Brian Reich, Editor

Brian is a Strategic Consultant and Director of Boston Operations for group named Mindshare Interactive Campaigns. According to my research it is said that Brian has spent much of his life working with campaigns and political organizations. He has helped direct dozens of campaigns across the country ranging from student elections in Michigan to local initiatives and statewide campaigns in Seattle. During the 1996 cycle, Brian was the youngest campaign manager in the nation, leading a U.S. Congress challenger-race in Connecticut. Prior to joining Mindshare, Brian served as Vice President Gore's Briefing Director, both in the White House and during his 2000 presidential campaign. Brian is the editor of a blog examining the use of the Internet by candidates, campaigns and organizations, activists and the media. He was credentialed to blog the Democratic and Republican Conventions as well as the Presidential Debates. He served as an Assistant to the Director of Presidential Speechwriting at the White House and in Vice President Gore's speechwriting office as a writer and researcher. Brian is a graduate of Columbia University. He and his wife, Karen Dahl, live in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

1 comment:

RJ Buckley said...

Oh boy! Hear, hear! And all the other expletives.

(by the way, your book is listed and can be purchased on, also.)