Sunday, October 26, 2008

Accentuate the Positive-Eliminate the Negative!

The following is in response to one of my many loyal fans who is very well intended BUT I do not think he would make a very good campaigner. David, thanks but I read this before..... but read my request of you and everyone that is anti- Barack.

At this late date we need to embellish upon John and Sarah and get off the negatives
of Barack. There are far too many and losers (the voting masses) usually go for
the guy they feel is being picked on.

You sell a products by promoting, pointing out the benefits and features not on the negatives. People are not thinkers and only want good since there is nothing good to say about Barack ...We need to concentrate on the positives of John and Sarah of which there are many. Without doing so the liberal, lying and conniving press would have you think there is nothing positive to say.

Think about it David, why else would they (the media-Plus) be talking about a Wardrobe, Small Town Mayor, Female, Mother, Wife, etc., etc., etc., and like I said all this effort to attack a woman that, as a team player, has proven that done right, a woman really can have it all. Well for Sarah, all that she wants, desires and knows she can handle.

They...the socialists... are having a hard time attacking a war hero who has proven himself in soooo many ways. Again, remember Barack's request....Vote Early and do Vote often! Show Barack just how much you love your country, the little freedoms we have been able to retain and will not give away. Let Barack know that you are not willing to redistribute your hard earned dollars with the bum on the corner....That proof will be in your Vote for McCain/Palin...a winning team that will shake up the system regardless of party and to our benefit!

We should all remember 9/11-The World Trade Center, The TWA 108 flight that blew
Up over NY, The murders at two Olympics, Entebbe, and The Iranian Hostages. And our embassies and on and on and on...

These are negatives that will be handled because people do not argue with the proven bully on the block and that proven Bully is John McCain. Once he, with his running mate Sarah Palin are in the Whitehhouse they will make it abundantly clear that we are not interested in nicey nice. We tried nicey nice and found it does not work. Vote McCain/Palin, this then will become our positive...

God Bless you and yours and God Bless America!!!!

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