Thursday, October 9, 2008


What a set up. I am left to wonder why we cannot have a moderator whose political leanings are not so well known and extremely obvious.

Tom Brokaw has never made it a secret that he is very liberal. In having the so called debate go according to Tom's plan I know that the questions were prepared
and given to people to ask. I wonder how many people watching noticed the people selected and how the cameras continually went back to and forth to these people that had the expression of a Stepford Wife... absolutely no reaction to anything.

The entire format was intended to achieve exactly what it did...flat..boring and nothing accomplished other than giving Barack, the actor, the opportunity to prance like a prould peacock.

With all the states encouraging and allowing people to vote early and vote often... the Saul Alinsky and ACORN trained dishonest people are stacking the odds against McCain's win. These people are registering democrats absolutely no republicans. The problem is these people are going from location to location and state to state registering 70-80 times.

Now for next week unless John McCain forgets that his handlers are afraid he will show anger he simply must get definite with more inflection in his speech and control what it is that he needs to challenge Barack on... if not he will lose! John McCain needs to confront Barack on issues like... why have we not heard anything on his it because it was on Saul Alinksy the author of Rules for Radicals who stated in the 30's that it might take decades to get to where we are now and that revolution will be necessary.

How does Barack justify his proven connection with Billy the Bomber Ayers? With Farahkan and Jeremiah Wright? People still do not understand what these people are all about and the detremental affect they are having on our freedoms.

If it is true as is written in his book that he has risen from poverty then where did he get the funds for so many colleges and universities and so many travels around the world. What is his source of funding other then from very questionable people like Franklin Raines and his cronies.

And, again, were are all your records??? Occidental College, Columbia and the Columbia Thesis paper.. .. if one has ever been written who wrote it?..Harvard College records, his selective service registration, his mediacal records, his Illinois State Senate records and schedule, his Law practice client list, A certified copy of his birth certificate... where was he REALLY born, his University of Chicago schorlary articles and his record of baptism. Withou any or all of these it would seem you are the manufactured and programmed person selected by Marxist wanting a one world socialistic form of governement. John needs to take off the gloves. But akways referring to him as Senator..never that one!

These people are using Barack, the candidtate chosen as a challenge to anyone not for him being labelled a racist...they want to cloud the issue in order to win the up coming election. Barack Obama is simply their puppet used to turn us into a totally controlled and regulated socialistic government.

Now, if you all do not wake up, wake the town and tell the people you will be left to remember that I told you so. The problem we face today is there is no where else to go... Remember the coock Alec Baldwin who said if the election did not go his way he would leave the country..along with Babs Striesand, Susan Sarandon, Julia Roberts (the list is waaaay too long but I'm sure you get the point)well.. forget it, there is no place left to go. We are headed for a one world government. You are all probably too young to remember the warning FDR was given and those who were in the know were scoffed at and called conspiracy theorists but look back at what happend...while those of us who knew what was happening behind the scenes were saying, "told you so" and the press then as now was saying we were over reacting and were all right wing whackos...If you had morals, loved the country, did not turn our backs on people over thrity and yes, we did question authority but we didn't want to kill those with whom we did not agree. We learned and grew and became painfully aware of what had and is happening to us and our freedoms today.

My book "The Chipping Away of America" is a blue print that takes the reader from the 30's to now.. showing how all the movements that Saul Alinksy started with community organizing in order to gain the trust of the people giving your money away to people like Barack through people like his financial advisor Franklin Raines and his 90 million dollar bonus. Barack was well funded for schooling, buying an expensive home, living the life his followers would admire and want some of what he had achieved. His promise is follow me and I will make your life better.

Alisky said divide and conquer and from that we got the women's movement, the unions, the ACLU, Babies having babies if they chose not to abort, not trusting anyone over 30 using Timothy Leary and drugs to brain wash the kind of people they are using today to fraudulently register to vote. If you think things are bad right now...JUST YOU WAIT AND SEE!!!!

Well I and many of my friends and family are those whackos so be careful to not have them win against us! And God Bless you, yours and America!

The Chipping Away of America $16.00 book stores or

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