Saturday, October 4, 2008


Please take the time to read and feel free to respond with your agreements or disagreements. Remember...I have the facts that some broadcasters are awakening to finally. The following is the question I was asked.

Who is Franklin Raines??? I was forwarded this answer. And may I add, where is he today? Read this and you will know.

Franklin Raines is the former chairman and chief executive officer of Fannie Mae, the government sponsored enterprise started in 1939 to offer mortgages to Americans wishing to become home owners.

After serving as budget director under President Bill Clinton, Mr. Raines served as CEO at Fannie Mae from 2000 until 2004. While Mr. Raines was CEO, Fannie Mae went deep into the practice of buying mortgages based on little no or no money down given to borrowers who could not afford them. During this time he received bonuses and salary over 90 million dollars.

In 2004 he was offered "early retirement" after the accounting practices used at Fannie during his tenure to secure top executive bonuses were shown to be fraudulent. Civil charges were filed against Raines and two other former executives which sought $110 million in penalties and $115 million in returned bonuses from the three accused. On April 18, 2008, the government announced a settlement with Raines together with J. Timothy Howard, Fannie's former chief financial officer, and Leanne G. Spencer, Fannie's former controller.

The three executives agreed to pay fines totaling about $3 million, which will be paid by Fannie's insurance policies. When pressed by the Bush administration to tighten down regulations on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, members of congress - Republicans and Democrats alike - in positions to pass such regulations, did nothing. Today, Fannie Mae owns or guarantees over half of America's 12 trillion dollar mortgage market, and we are in the middle of a credit crunch and housing slump brought on in large part by government backed Fannie Mae going down this dangerous credit slope under Mr. Raines.

And where is Franklin Raines today? He is a chief economic advisor to the campaign of Senator Barack Obama.

My thoughts
Raines and other democrat CEO's, unless they are investigated for malfeasance,will walk away from the mess they have created with millions. And other CEO's that gave handsomely to those in congress and were the ones that blocked the investigations republicans asked for repeatedly. The democrats in congress being in the majority, the investigations were blocked.

Barney Frank, Nancy Pelosi and their army of bandits assured everyone that Fannie
Mae and Freddie Mac were above board and presented absolutely no problem. In the
time since the democrats have taken control of congress we are suffering the reults
of that control. However, since the thirties,the democrats have planned what is happening, as Saul Alinsky advised...not to worry simply blame it on the rich, the Republicans, if not the party memebers might turn to the right.

If and when people read my book they will understand how and when the Chipping Away
began and if we don't stop it NOW we will be a full blown Marxist government.The Saul Alinsky followers are still strong...simply operating under a different name.

I watched Sean Hannity revealing the facts about which I wrote during the nomination campaign waaaaay before any broadcaster picked up on it and there is soooo much more to tell and all based on truth and fact.

My frustration and angst is in how many of the masses are so apathetic and passive about the government that is supposed to be by the people, for the people not a well orchestrated and patient Socialist and Marxist, soon to be, form of government.As in Hitler's time, when innocent Germans finally woke up when it was too late and said," how did this happen without our knowing?"

The difference is today but the theory is the same, Hitler convinced people that the Jews were responsible for destroying the German econom along with all indigents, Presbyterians, Lutherands and any and everyone disabled. They should not only be hated but destroyed.

Innocent Germans believed their leaders were only looking out for the good of "His" people so when people were put on trains to their extinction it was believed they were being sent off to a location where all like people would be detained for their own good and would no longer be a drain on the German economy.

There is soooo much more to the story that people do not want to hear. People that were directly affected that lived through it are, by enlarge, gone so the thought is why should we care?. Well.let me tell you, history does repeat itself. My husband was captured and spent years in one of Hitler's notorious camps.

The only difference today is the socialists and marxist have no intention of putting
us in ovens... they have a much cleaner method of taking us over and destroying our economy. Karl Marx said the way to destroy a democracy is five words, "taxes,taxes and more taxes" Well... guess attention to exactly what is happening right here and now.

In my book, The Chipping Away of America, I forgave most people for their ignorance (lack of knowledge) but, no longer, with today's technology and the availability for gaining knowledge, I am now disgusted by the stupidity of the masses. Unfortunately we are still suffering the "It's All About Me" attitudes we are daily programmed to
believe and accept as our God given right....Oh, Yeah? PUleeeze!

Get your handbook "The Chipping Away of America" in time to make sure you vote to save the country and CHANGE us back to jobs, less taxes, less government and more individual responsibily. BUT, heaven forbid, should you think redistribution works give all the rich liberals AND DEMOCRATS my address... they can afford to fund me and I need the money to go out and tell America to WAKE UP!

>Do what you love, love what you do.
> _

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