This is a very long blog but with the clock and time ticking away it is important that you take the time to read. I will reveal much more in these next two weeks. June
I blame my strong feelings of mistrust for the party that has put us in the mess and extremely dangerous situations we are in today, and what appears to soon become much worse. We are a nation of people that is morally and financially bankrupt. The situations we face today have been by plan and years in the making.
Over the many decades the party has and still continues to promise one entitlement program after another, taxing the working class and giving to the non-working with more and more programs that have not solved problems, but have created many more.
It is abundantly clear that the Big Government Democrat Party is the problem.
I hate the tax and spend big government that has given the illiterate, ignorant, and ill-informed gimmes’ a sense of entitlement. These voters are responsible for the Democrats in office too many of the years I have lived on this planet.
Having been raised in a family of twelve, we learned that it is not good to have too much month left at the end of your money. We were taught that we needed to be resourceful, plan, budget, and tithe; and at times, if necessary, to be content with half a loaf.
I lived in a neighborhood of Blacks (our next door neighbors, in fact), Jews, Italians, Japanese, and Irish Catholics; and we passed around clothing we had outgrown. We gave food, buckets of coal, and whatever each of us had that neighbors needed. We baby-sat one another’s kids overnight—black kids slept on our white sheets and pillow cases, and guess what, their color didn’t rub off. We gave each other hair permanents, helped neighbors with house cleaning, and took care of the sick. The entire family did or gave whatever else anyone needed, regardless of ethnicity.
My disgust and fears are for the Democrat Party, not the Democratic party, its’ members are not very democratic. In reality they may as well be the Democrat/Socialist Party since they are one in the same.
What the party is today has been a long time in the planning. The results of the Democrat big government tactics got its serious start decades ago, even before FDR got his backing and became beholden to Unions, the Mafia, Catholic Church, Police and even the FBI as well as others. Today we have shades of yester-year with a similar FDR campaign slogan—the New Deal —used in order to get the votes that would put the party in the White House, unfortunately for 12 long and harmful years. Today we have Barack Obama chanting Change that may possibly put his party in the Whitehouse for the rest of your life.
Barack is working and reading scripts right out of the pages of the FDR and Saul Alinsky’s political get the votes at any cost manual.
Barack, is using the Saul Alinsky tactics that would draw a lot of support from huge numbers of non-racist whites and all those wanting the government to continue giving them a handout and in particular from the emotional young people who are easily swayed and looking for a cause, much like our youth in the SIXTIES and Hitler and his youth movement.
Or like Karl Marx asking for a handful of dedicated people, again, the youth of our nation, and he would over throw any form of government. Karl Marx said a way to destroy a democracy is in five words…taxes, taxes, and more taxes.
The Party believes that with each new decade, with more immigrants having English comprehension problems, coupled with the power of the Press and Hollywood Democrats they are a shoe-in for the White House.
Unfortunately many of the masses are young impressionable college-age kids of all ethnicities that believe the well-rehearsed and stolen FDR and Alinsky speeches. So this results in, as in Barack Obama’s case, disciples for the cause. These disciples do not understand that through their ignorance (lack of knowledge and truth) they will be the ones largely responsible for continuing the mess this country is in and getting worse day by day.
Barack Obama has been following Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals to the letter by gathering easily influenced, ill informed young lemmings. He goes to colleges and universities and all ethnicities giving everyone the feeling that they have been overlooked and ignored by the right.
Today with the internet Barack knows how to raise huge dollars and use the power of the grass roots and the nation’s youth as did Hitler, the French, and Russians in skillfully convincing the masses that the country should be turned over to them over night, and that everyone should be given to and treated equally through redistribution. Re-distribution is Barack’s key phrase. So, work your butt off and give most of your money to the government so the government will be the hero to those not willing to work or sacrifice as you do.
My facts are from my research and I have extrapolated some points and quoted from documented writings on the internet and at the library, i.e. the documentary, "The Democratic Promise: Saul Alinsky and His Legacy," which claims that "Alinsky championed new ways to organize the poor and powerless and in doing so he created a backyard revolution in many key cities across America starting in Chicago (Barack and Alinsky’s home base). In his Rules for Radicals, Alinsky outlines his strategy in organizing. He is often credited with laying the foundation for the grassroots political organizing that dominated the ‘60s.
That strategy became today’s much heralded ACORN. Again, I remind you of the Weather Underground Movement and its leader William Ayres (Barack’s neighbor and friend),who has said very recently even tho’ lives were lost,“we did not do enough”.
Later in his life, Alinsky intimidated stockholders in public corporations to lend their votes to "proxies" who would vote at annual stockholders meetings in favor of social justice. While his grassroots style took hold in American activism, his call to stock holders to share their power with disenfranchised working poor only began to take hold in U.S. progressive circles in the ‘90s when shareholder actions were organized against American corporations. Again..redistribution! Back in the ‘30s with FDR and still in the ‘60s, Alinsky continued to say it would take a while and patience to overthrow our form of government.
Both FDR and Alinsky knew it would take chipping away bit by bit. Saul Alinsky was the subject of Hillary Rodham's senior honors thesis at Wellesley College, "There Is Only the Fight": An analysis of the Saul Alinsky model. Hillary Rodham commented on Alinsky's "charm," but she absolutely rejected his philosophy of organizing a grassroots community as being outdated.
Big mistake and a loss of big bucks for Hillary! Perhaps she did not have what she thought it takes to work the campus crowds. Once Hillary Rodham Clinton became First Lady of the United States, her thesis on Alinsky was suppressed by the White House for fear of her being too closely associated with Alinsky's ideas.
Alinsky’s teachings and books seemingly had a significant and lasting influence on Barack Obama. Forget Barack being only eight years old… he wasn’t even born but that did not and does not keep him from having Saul Alinsky as his Silent Mentor.
Barack Obama used Saul Alinsky’s techniques for rallying followers while laying the ground for a future run for a political office. He actively participated in Chicago organizations and joined a church in the ‘80s as he methodically prepared for a Senate seat while being groomed and funded for an eventual run for the White House
You had better believe me society has good reason to fear the radical. In his rules for radicals, Alinsky outlines his strategy in organizing, writing, and speaking, by saying that while it may take time revolutionary change he teaches his followers that they must always be preceded by maintaining seemingly passive, affirmative, and non-challenging attitudes toward change among the mass of our people. These people must feel so frustrated, so defeated, so lost, and so futureless in their prevailing system that they are willing to let go of the past and any chance for the future.
I am convinced that Barack’s twenty-year pastor and spiritual leader Jeremiah Wright, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Charlie Wrangle, and the like, have all been indoctrinated with the Alinsky Rules for Radicals.
Anyone putting themselves in a position to defend Wright’s indefensible rhetoric had also better be careful. It is dangerous to live in the past. We then become the slaves of our hatred. Using the mistakes of the past should become our education for doing it better and the right way. This then makes it possible to live in the now and continue making the now better day by day.
There are many of us that have been doing this even with the hatred of those choosing to live and dwell in the past, when, yes, mistakes were made and innocent people suffered. If we have a forgiving Heavenly Father, and we do, then how in the world can a pastor of a congregation be allowed to spew such hatred, poisoning the minds of young and old for twenty some odd years? Those that committed the sins of the past are long dead, so as I said … get over it, shut up, and give praise to the Lord and the country that reached out to all people world-wide.
Because it is very apparent that Jeremiah did not understand that statement, consequently he continually poisoned minds. A glaring example is that of a hopeful First Lady and a Jeremiah believer telling the world that for the first time in her adult life she was finally proud to be an American..
It is time we get past the Alinsky belief that turmoil and every shaking advance of mankind has come from the radical who hits, hurts, and is dangerous, who has burned and caused many unnecessary deaths in the ‘60s. Alinsky claimed conservative know that while Liberals are most adept at breaking their own necks with their tongues, Radicals are most adept at breaking the necks of Conservatives and/or Republicans.
The Radicals, Socialists, Communists, and Fascists Democrats create and precipitate the social crisis by action and by using power. Liberal lemmings may then timidly follow along or else, as in most cases they are swept forward along the course set by the Radicals, all because of forces unloosed by Radical action. They are forced into positive action regardless of their desires.
The Radicals, Socialists, Communists, and Fascists Democrats create the social crisis by action and by using power. Liberal Radicals lemmings, are taught to follow the Alinsky Rules for Radicals by Radical action.
•The American Radical will fight privilege and power whether it be inherited or acquired by any small group, whether political or financial.
•He curses a caste system which he recognizes despite all the patriotic denials.
•He will fight conservatives whether they are business or labor leaders.
•He will fight any concentration of power hostile to a broad, popular democracy, whether he finds it in financial circles or in politics.
Radicals recognize that constant dissension and conflict is and has been the fire under the boiler of democracy and Saul Alinsky practiced what he preached. He uses the eyes, ears and nose for examples:
Eyes - "If you have a vast organization, parade it before the enemy, openly show your power."
Ears - "If your organization is small, do what Gideon did: conceal the members in the dark, but raise a clamor that will make the listener believe that your organization numbers many more that it does."
Nose - "If your organization is too tiny even for noise, stink up the place."
Alinsky devised and proved thirteen tactical rules for use against opponents vastly superior in power and wealth: "Power is not only what you have but what the enemy thinks you have. Never go outside the experience of your people and wherever possible go outside of the experience of the enemy. Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. Ridicule and innuendo are man's most potent weapons.
A good tactic is one that people enjoy. A tactic that drags on too long becomes a drag.” And if necessary, raise the funds to have people attend any and all events.Make it appear that you have a huge following no matter what it costs.
Alinsky told his followers and believers that belief in the propaganda is usually more terrifying than the thing itself. The major premise for all his propaganda tactics is the development of operations that will maintain constant pressure upon the opposition.
“If you push a negative hard and deep enough it will break through. The price of a successful attack is a constructive alternative. Pick the target, freeze it, polarize it and personalize it. Learn to kill by innuendo. Tell the story often enough and to enough people it will eventually become a fact remembering it takes time and patience and maybe decades.”
Alinsky’s tactics require that you move steadfastly and with action knowing the real action is in the enemy's reaction. The enemy, properly goaded and guided in his reaction, will be your major strength. With the support of groups, the press and movie industry the Alinsky tactics worked then and still works by using his formula for success:
It was in this era through his book Rules for Radicals that Alinsky became the champion of new and better ways to organize the poor and powerless and to polarize the young impressionable, misguided youth by indoctrinating students in colleges and universities and organizations throughout the country. It appears this is exactly Barack’s method for gathering his flock and much of his massive funds.
Many corporations were led to believe they were helping to give a hand up only to find out later that they were expected to continue funding hand outs or they would face sit-ins, demonstrations and intimidation with loads of Press coverage. Like CORE!!!
Does the term social engineering sound familiar? All this began back in the ‘30s when Alinsky saw the potential for more power and money in gathering people. He was convincing different groups that he and his party (the Democrats) was the answer. He viewed revolution as a slow, patient process that may very well take decades. Polarizing was the key to his well-planned cause that after the 60s fully escalated in the ‘90s.
Alinsky penetrated existing institutions such as churches, unions and political parties. In his native city of Chicago (Middle America’s headquarters for the Mafia, Unions, and the Democrat Party) he courted power wherever he found it. He felt his alliance with prominent Catholic clerics, such as Bishop Bernard Sheil, gave him respectability. He had and cultivated close ties and friendships with crime bosses such as Frank Nitti—Al Capone's second-in-command. Remember the Valentine’s Day Massacre? Alinsky owned police, judges, and politicians that gave him clout, power, money, and safety with the street people.
Since the ‘30s we have become progressively worse. And through movies, education, celebrities, liberal politicians, along with the liberal press and the huge number of illegal aliens raping our system, things have not only gotten much worse and the future doesn’t look hopeful or very promising either. As computer technology grows along with more and more companies and labor going off shore due to governmental rules, regulations and high taxes the print media is either closing down or taking big bucks from the type of people backing Barack in order to achieve their long awaited goal of socialism-communism. The LA Times, NY Times, Washington Post, The Chicago Times comes to mind are paid for writing the attacks according to the money funders…
Alinsky knew that if people felt so frustrated, so defeated, and so lost without a future within the prevailing system, they would be willing to vote for the devil.The Democrats are real pros when it comes to preaching doom and gloom, saying not to worry ‘cause the Democrat party is the party of the people with all the solutions for a better future.
The growing hypocrisy and blame game of the Democrat party has become the mantra of today’s society and ethnic groups, i.e., divide and conquer, rather than united we stand.
Democrats have been the real pros at promising everything without the worry of fulfilling the promises. And, why not there was plenty of money to spread around with the tax dollars from those that helped them gain power. The Money from people ignorant enough to buy more of the false promises. The excuses for not delivering on the Democrat undeliverable promises were most always blamed on the financially successful small business people and what used to be considered the middle class.
The theory and plan to get votes was then, as it is now, to place blame and mud sling with personal attacks eliminating the need to be specific about why they could not deliver on their shallow, unrealistic promises. Instead they would continue taxing and taking more of the taxpayers’ money, throwing good money after bad, and still not delivering. They (the Democrats) are experts at the blame game and if their blame game ever becomes an Olympic event, they will easily take the Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
In closing I wonder why we have not gotten word one regarding the source of all Barack’s funding for Travel,Education, Homes, Automobiles, Wardrobe, etc. If he has nothing to hide why is it not necessary that he gives full disclosure? I am certain major dollars are from well to do Socialists, Marxists/Communists and maybe Fascist.
Some examples of members of these groups are; Frank Marshall Davis-communist-Tony Rezko-a slum lord who is under investigation for political fraud- George Soros and I think he falls in several of these categories, Farahkan-racist and others kept secret. It is no secret…these groups are all still active as is the Alinsky group but under a different name. I believe Barack Obama is the front man for groups wanting us either dead, bankrupt or simply being used as their lackeys and lemmings giving whatever money formerly hard workers can muster to give to the new government for redistribution… you know…share the wealth!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
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