Thursday, August 28, 2008

Did I Steal Hillary's Thunder?

I was surprised and amused at Hillary's being soliticous when she mentioned Harriett Tubman. I should say Harriett Tubman Davis, as one of her heros. She must have read my blog of the day before her speech obviously geard to the Women's Movement when she was pretending to be backing Barack Obama in his run for president.

Hillary did well to take the advice and directives of her media team. In her strong delivery she proved to be an active listener and follower. Of course it has never been a secret that she became a senator due to the backing of women that still believe men are the enemy and with the support of a lot of whimpy hypocritical men and power mongers.

I went from channel to channel for critques and could not believe how many of the previously mentioned whimps, and some men and women that I thought were not, that praised her. Her delivery was strong and her points, geared to women, were made and unfortunately bought by too many that she, along with her misinformed followers, are soley responsible for 18million cracks in the glass celing. Where has she been I crashed through the celing along with others years ago. Oh, she did mention Barak a couple of times within her speech but not about anything specific... ya know why? There was nothing about which she could be specific. She took advantage, or so she thought, for laying her ground work for the year 2012.

I will evaluate the speech given by her partner in crime rendered to make him and them appear to be the good guys, along with the speech given by Joey Bieden, a very good family man, but Vice President? This will be after the circus leaves town. Later... and don't go 'way!

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