Friday, August 29, 2008


I would love to know who the writers, producers and directors were that should get their Oscar for a well written, produced, directed speech that was delivered by their up and coming, rising, star, Barack Obama delivered without a noticable flaw.

By enlarge the show was fiction as the facts were manufactured but it was well produced enough to convince the uninformed lemmings that will buy anything and follow their new found leader, also manufactured.

I am really tired as I have been up for days due to sitting vigil at my husband's hospital bedside, driving home and then being addicted to all the channels checking who, why, where and what was being said about convention info and candidate selections as well as all the kissy, kiss speeches.

Come here over the weekend and I will point out the flaws made by the very mislead, ill informed young man on the democrat ticket and his plegerizing VP. They both seem to do well using and delivering other people's words but they really should check the facts.

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