Tuesday, August 5, 2008


The PITIFUL PARTY PUPPET ... is, Barack H. Obama, our democrat candidate wanting to become our COMANDER in CHIEF... I don't think so! In reality I do not give him the credit for flip flopping he is simply changing with the wind as the person pulling the strings as he listens to that little plug in his ear OR as he turns his head from side to side reading the scripting being fed to him via three teleprompters that we, in my day, used to call idiot cards... a very applicable description.. would't you say? Of course you would... or should!!!

Talking about idiots... when, why and how did it become fashionable for people to blindly follow and cheer the new KID on the scene? When?...it has been in the works for decades...Why? For decades we have had socialists, communists and facists (the big three) working the plan. How? Because way too many people have lived the dream of government hand outs and entitlements. They, the lemmings, have believed the promised lies of "vote for me and I will make it all better"! The biggest lie... I should say lies...ever told to get the vote and gain the power to run our lives. It is called social engineering!

My first preference for COMMANDER in CHIEF come this Novemeber was not John McCain as I felt he was far to liberal in that he seemed to flip flop on issues of importance to us as a nation that may or may not survive if we cast the wrong vote.. My first choice was Mitt Romney based on his PROVEN abilities as a leader, a business man and a successful, sometimes middle of the road politician in a very liberal democrat state. I found him to be a rarity in this day and age of knowing we are a representative form of government and as such he represented his constituency regardless of their party affiliation and not necessarily his personal wishes or views. In other words I trusted that he would be there to represent the majority.

I feel if, today, we have any chance to save what is left of our former Republic and/or Democractic form of governement we must vote in the lesser of the liberals and a man with proven staying power that will stay the course. Our soverign nation was formed and developed by men of wisdom, experience and sacrifice. Men that at times made mistakes and lived to correct many of those mistakes. Those men were followed by other men of age and experience that used the mistakes as an education in correcting mistakes thus we were given a legacy and a legacy even for those now trying to screw things up.

It is time we get the message to the new and inexperienced kid on the block, B.O.(and yes what he contends he can and will do stinks) that age is a matter of mind and if you don't mind it doesn't matter.. and I firmly believe John McCain does not mind. He is a proven entity. Barack the PARTY PUPPET who, when and until, if ever, he may show that he has gained some lessons out of the chirade he is playing by allowing himself to be used to fool most of the people too much of the time. He needs to grow up. He reminds me of many of the women that have worked for me over the years...who, within two years, and many times sooner, think they can do a better job then the men to whom I had assigned them .

More then Barack Obama's inexperience he is truly a danger and I mean a real and very serious danger! There is much..soooo much that has not been revealed about his purpose, goals and of those behind him. He and his party have laid plans over many decades that they are very close to putting into fruition thanks to the use of their PITIFUL PARTY PUPPET. Barack is a true and proven lemming. Remeber...what I insist, Be Informed..Get Involved and Don't let them grind us down. More... much more later. You need my book before the election. "The Chipping Away of America". We need to stop the chipping 'cause they, and they know who they are.. are ready for full time CHOPPING

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