Wednesday, August 6, 2008


Thank God we finally got a Harvard grad, who it is said excelled in his studies, to come up with the simple solution to our extremely high cost at the pump...gas that is!!! I am left to wonder why he has kept the solution so secret for soooo long.

The price of gas has been dropping since Barack, at his most recent prolific photo and liberal press opportunity, told the world to JUST inflate their tires and have a lube job. His contention is that in doing so less gas will be necessary to get people where they need to go and then the oil providers will panic and the price of gas will drop!!! What a potential leader??? What a Joke!!!! The scary thing is there are people... and way too many in number....that will praise this Obama intellect?? No thanks! I will continue voting into office, especially that of my Commander in Chief and the man that will choose a cabinet of proven experience, not the new kid on the block. I wonder what Barack wants to be when he grows up. I guess his backer's will have other plans for him.

I noticed in the film trailers being shown to promote the movie (probably produced with Soros and friends money)about Barack and his wife, who is finally proud to be an American and how the JFK image is glaring down to placing the little girl under the president's desk. In a way it is ashame the Obama's did not have a little boy named John and then the image would have been complete.

Before you vote Be(get)Informed. A great leader of this country told us that you can fool some of the people some of the time but you can't fool all of the people all of the time. That great man was, you know the man responsible for freeing the slaves and the one the democrats called two faced to which he responded, "Do you think if I had two faces I would have chosen this one"? Oh, in case you don't know your history prior to revisions.. that great man was Abe Lincoln, a Republican!

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