Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Cosrsi's book...Obama Nation should be a must read to better understand why a vote for Barack Obama might be the end of our NATION!!!!

My only hope is that people will not blame reasons for not voitng for Mr. Obama on color, age, lack of experience. Corsi and I have very sound reasons for saying you had "Better Beware" or it will be too late!

If in reading this if you believe you have what you consider to be good sound reasons for casting your valuable vote for Barack as our leader then please respond and tell me upon what facts you base those considerations.

While John McCain was not my choice as our leader I contend he is the choice we must make in order to not literally give away what we have left of the United States of America as a soverign nation!

I will happily go into detail with anyone not in agreement with me. In the meantime and before debating the issues read Obama Nation-Jerome Corsi and by all means and especially for young and female voters, you must read The Chipping Away of America- by me June Cain Miller. I know more of the facts that have not yet been revealed or discussed. Oh, and by the way... God Bless America and all it's inhabitants!!!

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