Monday, August 25, 2008


If flip flopping was an Olympic Event a ton of Democrats would have easily come home with the Gold, Silver and Bronze...and not for just the 2008 magnificent event. Several flip floppers come to mind...LBJ, McGovern, Kerry, Edwards, Beiden, Obama and soooo many more. I am sure a democrat will come up with Republican names but trust me... there is no contest even down to politics at the grass roots level.

Recently Joe Bieden said that he felt Barack Obama does not have the experience or qualifications to be the leader of our great soverign nation. He, Bieden, also said he would happily serve with or against McCain. Would you call that the ultimate Flip Flop? I would? Joe Bieden has always been well known as a politican wanting power no matter at what cost, how or where he gets it. Well, I finally found an issue on which I can agree with Bieden...Obama is not qualified!

When it comes to flip flopping there is a definte difference between flip flopping and changing one's mind. I made it no secret that I was for Mitt Romney based on his family dynamics, proven business expeience, his ability to work with both sides of the asile, his compassion and understanding along with a willingness to offer a hand up but not continuing our ever growing practice of handouts.

There were issues that caused my hestitation regarding John McCain; Open borders, abortion, McCain-Fiengold, Waterboardering, etc. I did and do admire his proven dedication to the country. In doing a much deeper and further investigation of the man I find that I will, without hesitation, vote for McCain because of his Romney similarities. Also, I no longer feel he is the least of the Liberals. I firmly believe he will choose the right cabinet and advisors.

Because I find John McCain to be an active listener I am sure, since he already has already done so, will from time to time change his mind... I do not consider him a Flip Flopper in anyway. He is charged with having a temper... so what?...At times it couldn't hurt.

The issue of CHANGE is a joke.. We had a man in the Whitehouse for waaaay too many years that, in order to get votes and power, offered us the same thing ... That CHANGE was called the New Deal. A program that funded the party of Tax and Spend the electorate's money with nothing in return for us but votes for them.

With the New Deal we had FDR and today we have Obama, the new kid on the block, both Alinsky trained offering the very same New Deal under the banner of Change. Barack and his throng of ill informed Campus Kids attack McCain's age... Well I have a message for them..."Age is a matter of Mind and if you don't Mind it doesn't Matter" and I certainly DO NOT mind... I'll go with someone that has been there, done that and has proven experience, wisdom and knowledge everytime. So, Be Informed...Get Involved...Vote logically and then they can no longer grind us down! God Bless us one and all!!!

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