Sunday, September 28, 2008


First… a little history lesson for mister Know It All…Joe Biden…FDR was not president until 1932 not, as you foolishly told the world recently that it was 1929. And in 1932 FDR’s fireside chats were aired on radio not on TV…we did not have TV yet. If you can’t get your American history facts straight how are we supposed to believe you have any idea of how, why and who got us into the mess we are suffering today? You need to know these facts in order to correct the mistakes having been made that laid the foundation for the widespread of selling out our country.

SO, here goes,…Within his first 100 days of taking office in 1932, FDR proposed quick fix reforms. He set the pattern for the modern liberal Democratic Party of today. He very hastily began creating social and economic programs to save homes and jobs and named it the ‘New Deal’. He created an array of agencies and departments, many in his first months in office, designed to stimulate the economy. These programs, created a false economy while others became fixtures of the American way of life and a growing attitude of entitlement. The nation's economy did not fully revive until, fortunately for Roosevelt, war time.

WWII was a war that FDR was well aware of being planned and the reason for it. He actually looked at the war as his personal gift…and there are still enough people above the dirt that know that this is a fact. Unfortunately my husband is not one that was so fortunate. He became a prisoner of war and eventually died of causes attributed to his two years at the hands of the Germans.

But Roosevelt actually painted himself and us into a corner when he was being forced to deliver on a few of his election promises. FDR’s actions and promises earned him enough gratitude from working people that were unaware of how these ineffective programs would raise their taxes that would never go away. These useless taxes would be layered one on top of another based on FDR and his crony’s false undeliverable promises. These taxes would not only be paid by Mr. and Mrs. Hard working Americans but would be passed on to their children and their children’s children. These phony, fake promises kept FDR in office for 12 years. To this day we still suffer the effects of those years of spending the working class tax dollars while creating and building huge debt.

As each program failed FDR, his incompetent cabinet and other incompetent—by trial and error advisors suggested different approaches that would require more and more working class tax dollars. To cover their incompetence and lies the Democrats and Unions blamed what they called rich Republicans and Corporate bosses for not paying voters a decent wage to cover the growing high cost of living. They overlooked telling people the higher cost of living was created by FDR and Union Leaders.

Voters did not yet and many still do not realize the growing cost of goods and our growing tax problems have been passed on to the adults of today, as well as their kids and grandkids. All are continuing to suffer long after most if not all those Democrats were or are long gone to where ever it is Democrats finally go. I don’t think they should need to pack warm clothes.
To keep the Democrats in office, huge funding to FDR and the party (Congress and Senate) by labor was a major concern to those in the know. Other programs of reform that caused heavier taxes on the wealthy and new controls over banks and public utilities were an enormous work relief program for the unemployed. All these perks and promises were well funded. Immediate gratification programs were intended to insure more votes, more money, and more power for the party: “The Party of the People.” What a joke! The pockets of the guys and gals (mostly the guys the gals had not yet come into their own) were bulging with main street money.
By 1935 businessmen and bankers were already beginning to turn more and more against the Roosevelt “New Deal”. Their fear regarding all his free spending was well founded and they were justifiably appalled when he took the nation off the gold standard and allowed deficits in the budget. But no investigations! Talk about control, malfeasants, corruption!!!

I hate the tax and spend big government that has given the illiterate, ignorant, and ill-informed gimmes’ a sense of entitlement. These voters are responsible for the Democrats in office too many of the years I have lived on this planet. Having been raised in a family of twelve, we learned that it is not good to have too much month left at the end of your money. We were taught that we needed to be resourceful, plan, budget, and tithe; and at times, if necessary, to be content with half a loaf.

You would never consider buying a house unless your monthly income was enough to make the monthly payment to live in that home. In addition you needed to have enough money for food, utilities, taxes, clothes, medical and set enough aside in the event of emergencies, plus maybe a movie or two?.

I lived in a neighborhood of Blacks (our next door neighbors), Jews, Italians, Japanese, and Irish Catholics; and we passed around clothing we had outgrown. We gave food, buckets of coal, and whatever each of us had that neighbors needed. We baby-sat one another’s kids overnight—black kids slept on our white sheets and pillow cases, and guess what, their color didn’t rub off. We gave each other permanents, helped neighbors with house cleaning, and took care of the sick. The entire family did or gave whatever anyone needed, regardless of ethnicity.

My disgust, fear, and hatred for the Democrat Party, not the Democratic party, its’ members are not very democratic, is because I clearly see the danger today of repeating the mistakes of old that we allowed, through the masses ignorance and the politicians corruption to happen. If we do not wake up before the coming election be prepared for a one party government the Democrat/Socialist Party that will take over our country, and they are almost there. Get ready to stand in line for all your needs..if you even qualify to receive any.

Barack is working and reading scripts right out of the pages of the FDR and Saul Alinsky’s political get the votes at any cost manual. He is aligned with known socialists/communists and rumor has it he has accepted funds from people that have a genuine hatred of this country. Do the names Billy the Bully Ayres to whom it is said Barack has funded for his cause to undermine the country and commit murder. And how about Farrakhan and others I could mention but you would probably not know who they are and how scary they are unless I took page after page explaining the danger of a Barack Obama once he starts paying back by following the dictates of his handlers and funders..

I was sure Barack, using the Saul Alinsky tactics, would draw a lot of support from huge numbers of non-racist whites and in particular from the emotional young people who are easily swayed and looking for a cause, much like Hitler and his youth movement. Or like Karl Marx asking for a handful of dedicated people, again, the youth of our nation.

In my next blog I will forward you a copy of an email I received from the Obama camp which confirms for me that Barack is not only using the above mentioned tactics in gathering his flock, but he is following almost to the letter the lessons taught in the Alinsky book, “Rules for Radical.” I feel it is extremely important that you are made aware of this one of the many emails I have received from Barack’s organizers. What scares me is … it seems that history does repeat itself and this, to me, reeks of shades of the Hitler Youth Movement and the Karl Marx theory of give me a handful of dedicated people and I’ll over throw any form of government if not the world. And finally from Marx, ”The best way to destroy a democracy is with five words…Taxes, taxes and more taxes”. Look where we are today.. Barack's party has followed the Marxist theory to the letter and are continuing to train the puppet to do the same. The Hollywood crowd has taught him to smile while talking the talk.. His next course needs to be how to walk the walk and I fear that will take much time.

An after thought…. when are we going to investigate the guys at the top of government arms like Fannie and Freddie and others along with the money lines. All those that are being allowed to walk off with Main Street’s dollars? WE should investigate Wall Street and our wonderful do nothing congress that has done nothing positive since taking office and taking funding probably from those to whom I refer. WE should absolutely investigate everyone guilty of allowing this Wall Street Fiasco to happen in fact encouraging it? You know like we did with Skooter Libby, Enron and all the people the democrats were out to get no matter what?

Like Saul Alinsky whose organization is still alive and well but operating under a different name….I spell out his entire mode of operation in my book…The Chipping Away of America and I guarantee if you read it along with my other hates and justifiable reasons for those hates you will vote with logic…Knowledge is Power…so be informed!!!! Then get involved…God Bless you and God Bless America!!!

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