Monday, September 22, 2008


Taxes under Clinton 1999

Single making 30K-tax $8,400
Single making 50K-tax $14,000
Married making 60K-tax $16,800
Married making 75K-tax $21,000
Married making 125K-tax $38,750

Taxes under Bush 2008

Single making 30K-tax $4,500
Single making 50K-tax $12,500
Married making 60K-tax $9,000
Married making 75K-tax $18,750
Married making 125K-tax $31,250

Looking back I mark this as another of my many the public needs to know projects and my continuing to question everyone and everything.

I know the fuel that fires the engine that drives the media and politics is dollars and I mean big bucks. I began looking into advertisers and their political orientation and affiliations. I was successful in uncovering companies, corporations and products to which I formerly had freely given my money. Today I refuse to give one penny to many newspapers, products, movies or retailers no matter.

Because I do believe in the freedom of speech I do not believe in censorship but I will withhold dollars. We all have the right to tune in or turn off and if you are informed you will know where and when to do so. I wish people would not give hard earned dollars to people, papers, products or movie and the stars with whom they do not agree.

Remember…Be Informed! Another major problem, again, goes back to the masses and those that read and believe the trash tabloids or the couch potatoes sitting on their fat rears watching all the trashy soap operas, movies made for TV and the big screen. I watched the Emmys last night and continually shook my head in amazement that things had gotten sooooo bad. The same people and projects were continually nominated and unfortunately it was obvious the winners were the left wing people and projects that did not hesitate to deliver their political agenda.

I watched movies and TV back in the days when we were entertained not preached to politically. If you cannot see where Hollywood is taking us then I fear for us as a free and roll up your sleeves, enterprising nation. Remember, I honestly DO NOT believe in censorship but I strongly recommend boycotting the well funded brainwashing. Again, I advise for the safety of the nation, Be Informed, Get involved and Don’t let ‘em Grind us Down…’cause that is their goal and it scares me that they might even stand a ghost of a chance.

More on your taxes to follow explaining how and why we are economically at the same place today that we were when FDR started his huge give away projects that he and his backers titled the New Deal you know the same plans the Obama backers are pushing and changing the title!

Today the big money backers are using Barack and calling it CHANGE…. Wake up! Read the Chipping Away of America and learn about Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and his well trained puppet Barack Obama. You will learn about the FDR backers and the Barack backers and how they are so similar that it is very scary and sad.

Too many people are so passive, they could care less and are motivated by “Show me the money”. Through not being informed people are at the same place today economically that they were when FDR started his huge give away projects that put us in the mess we are in today, he titled his giveaways the New Deal you know the same plans the Obama backers are pushing. Today they are using Barack and calling it CHANGE…. Wake up! Read the Chipping Away of America and learn about Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and his well trained puppet Barack Obama.

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