Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I juat finished listening to the Larry King fiasco and I needed to take six Advil. I normally do not watch or listen to Larry at any length for several reasons but mostly due to his lack of interviewing techniques.

I thought his shows after each night of the conventions were sooooo bad I could not stay with him and flipped back and forth from Wolf who probably did the best job in covering what I wanted to hear. Fox talked over too many people. I was not that interested in what the so called journalists had to say. I wanted to hear what the platform speakers were saying and then I would make up my own mind. I am normally a Fox viewer but I felt CNN actually did the best job.

Tonight was probaly Larry King's worst. He seemed to have no control over the cackling hens. I cannot stand it when women screech on top of one another. Kind of reminds me of when I, from time to time, turn on the View! Stephanie Miller reminded me of Joy Behar in the sense that I had heard rumors that they used to be funny. I really did enjoy Stephanie when she was on Oxygen with the up dated I've Got a Secret show. It was a late night show that I actually stayed up to watch. I think if she changed her orientation slightly she might get a really good and steady gig. Now as for Joy Behar, I cannot believe they say she actually once was funny. I know she is rude and obnoctious with her slings and arrows. With her lifestyle she might want to consider being a little less opinionated regarding others.

Well, the headache seems to be subsiding so I think I will go off for now and get ready for the headaches return after viewing Lederman's interview with Barack. I wonder how many teleprompters he will need to work tonight?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

try a full bottle of ambien chased with a full jug of chianti.