Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Go Get 'Em John McCain

See there is hope that we can stop the Chipping Away of America. John McCain was astute and aware enough to give the country some hope and a shot in the arm so to speak in naming Sarah Palin as his running mate. Go get 'em John!!!!

John McCain did something I compare to what Republican Everet McKinley Dirksen did in 1964 when he drew up the Civil Rights Bill that LBJ signed and took credit for. He said it has taken too long and it is time that blacks should be treated equally.

John McCain very quietly took a similar action in very secretly asking Sarah Palin to be his running mate and partner. I believe that by the time his eight years in the Whitehouse concludes we will forever view and expect much more of future Vice Presidents due to the McCain-Palin team.

I honestly believe the Vice Presidency will no longer be a figure head position. The McCain-Palin team will allow us again to vote for wisdom, experience, knowledge and a person that will fight for the people regardless of which party needs to be taken to task. Most times wisdom, knowledge and experience comes with aging and perhaps we will look at the elderly with more of the respect and gratitude they deserve.

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