Saturday, September 13, 2008


I am definitely not a View watcher. In fact I have not been able to find too many within my circle of friends.. and I have tons...that are. It is women like the panel participants that give women a bad name.

I am left to wonder what they learned from their parents and as parents what they have or are teaching their kids regarding good manners.

I did not see the interview with John McCain but I did get several comments from, believe it or not, very liberal women who said that in particular Barbara Walters was extremely rude and that Whoopie is not aware of the constitution and it's amendments. She apparently is still not aware that the only slavery is self imposed by those that refuse to let go and grow.

There was much coverage regarding the interview so I went to the net and I was sickened to see and hear how a man that fought for this country and the right for these ladies to be so arrogant, annoying, rude and uncouth. They could not even look the man in the eye. However, when Michelle walked on their set everyone did the high five and the friendly punch. I woner who they are backing??? What a joke...The day Michelle came on I went from channel 46 (CNN) to check out the guest of the day...I thought I would stay long enough to find out if she would be questioned on her "finally to be proud of her country" statement. I was sure she would disavow their relationship with Jerimiah and the on going relationship with Bill Ayers and other questionable associates. I stayed long enough to find this was not about to happen.

Now back to Barbara...there is much I can say, back to her Shelly Gross and Beth Poulson days but not right here and not right now...but in her days of interviewing and then her specials... I honestly do not believe she has ever done a hard ball, hard hitting one on one interview.

Being surrounded with her liberal very biased crew it seems she finally came out of her kissy interviewing technique and decided she would interrupt and yell at John McCain. McCain kept his cool and I think the entire circus helped him in the polls. He came off as having class and the arrogant ladies came off with having a lot of class but unfortunate for them it was all low!! Kind of like they need to reach up to touch bottom. Lots more on all this later!!!

By the way if you have ever wondered how much their in studio members agree with them let me tell you how we get an audience.. I go to men's and women's groups, colleges and we pass out tickets to shops, etc. Unlike the View, Oprah, Ellen we would ocassionaly give gifts but not to the extent of the previously mentioned. Now I understand they, in particular, the View goes to very liberal groups which is a lot easier in New York along with the gift bribes.

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