Monday, September 22, 2008


I fear this is exactly what is happening right now and it is time to wake up before it is too late, if not already? We have a candidate promising Change while literally offering more of the same problems his party created that will literally bankrupt us. Check and find out to what party the Big Money Changers belong. I’ll tell you, the Democrat Party. Corporate bosses like Fannie, Freddie, AIG and others too many to mention here, walked away from the mess they and their party created with millions and millions in their pockets.

As these Democrats walked off with millions and millions of their loyal voters dollars while the less elite lost their homes, jobs and dignity they all joined in the blame game. Unfortunately many deserved it. They should not have borrowed beyond their means no matter how easy these companies made it for them to do so.

So where did all the money go? I’ll tell you where it went, in the pockets of people like the Clinton’s, The Pelosi’s, The Gores along with a predominance of Democrat congress people since and even before the thirties. The Democrats promoted ideas for programs by special interest politicians that took more and more taxes from uniformed believers for failed programs that never stood a chance.

With one failed program after another the good old boy Democrats would do as Saul Alinsky, said “blame the rich, the Right, the Republicans.” That is what they did and are still doing. The theory and plan was then, as it is now, to get the votes at all cost and what the heck, it wasn’t their money anyway. Tax payers money was used for campaigning, travel, homes, cars, family jobs, planes, boats and on and on. It would be given freely by the hard working uniformed class that they look down upon.

The Democrats tradition is to place blame and mud sling with personal attacks eliminating the need to be specific about why they would not deliver on their shallow, unrealistic promises or explain when asked or confronted with, "where did all the money go"!

Instead they would continue taxing and taking more of the taxpayers’ money, throwing good money after bad, and still not delivering. They (the Democrats) are experts at the blame game and if their blame game ever becomes an Olympic event, they would easily take the Gold, Silver, and Bronze.

It’s a shame people did not wake up sooner to the long term damage that was happening with FDR playing Santa Claus with taxpayers’ money while sitting on the throne of power for 12 years. The 12 years FDR spent in that seat with his fireside chats and give-a-way promises is largely responsible for the escalation of what his party has become today. FDR was a vicious, conniving, corrupt man that cared about no one or nothing other than FDR.

The United States is a country of Democrat Union leaders that have been allowed and encouraged to take money away from their members, even while forcing them to strike without receiving a paycheck. The union leaders convince their members that their rich and very prosperous employers are financially abusing them. These, uniformed members turn over their money forcibly or otherwise and those funds have and are being used to keep the FDR form of politics and the party alive well after that front man, FDR, is gone…again, to wherever corrupt democrats go.

Many members have not wanted to be told they must strike and how they must vote. Those wanting to strike didn’t have the brain power to understand that they can never regain the money taken away that is needed to feed their family, money needed to pay the bills and buy Christmas for the kids. So, rather than putting the blame where it belonged, unions continued taking their money and raising their dues while they blamed employers and Republicans.

The Democrat union leaders never suffer financial loss. Throughout the years many Union leaders have skimmed the members’ pension fund for their own personal use and to fund their party affiliations, the Democrats while corrupt politicians and law officials looked the other way. All the while, strikers (not all), are the same people that continued to buy the Democrat lies and promises out of ignorance and fear and I am talking Big Time Fear!!!!

Democrats and Union Leaders are Siamese Twins joined at the hip pocket. Democrats raise taxes, Unions raise dues. Both delivering the message “you had better pay, or else.” All the while the Republican Party is labeled as the party of the rich.

It is frustrating how many people continue to buy false promises made and never fulfilled, even when their taxes are continually raised. The Democrats and unions are still using the ignorance of the masses. The party is working harder today, more than ever, at expanding the third world mentality in this country with open borders and bi-lingual studies. We cannot expect to have informed voters even if and when foreigners ever learn to speak English, for they will still have a severe comprehension problem. Do you think this might be why Barack Obama wants us all to speak Spanish? Spread the word to the masses faster.

Of course the Democrats prefer this to be a battle of contention… how else can they continue to Divide and Conquer…they can’t if people become informed...Only then will people get involved…I hope???? You NEED to get the hand book for the true history of why and how you NEED to vote. To get the full story on Barack Obama, his associates, his backers, his credentials, his true motives and how we will no longer be a Republic or a Free Sovereign Nation if he should win the Whitehouse, you need to read my book The Chipping Away of America… a very fast and easy to read book that will open your eyes, your mind and protect you, your family, your and their future. God Bless!

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