Monday, September 22, 2008


THEN and NOW…I don't mean to SCARE but You COMPARE

Within his first 100 days of taking office in 1932, FDR proposed quick fix reforms. He set the pattern for the modern liberal Democratic Party of today with hastily creating social and economic programs called the ‘New Deal’. He created an array of agencies and departments, many in his first months in office, designed to stimulate the economy. These programs, created a false economy while others became fixtures of the American way of life and a growing attitude of entitlement.

The nation's economy did not fully revive until, fortunately for Roosevelt, war time. One of too many wars under the democrat regime. But Roosevelt actually painted himself into a corner when he was forced to deliver on his election promises. FDR’s actions and promises earned him enough gratitude from working people that kept him in office for 12 years. To this day we still suffer the effects of those years of spending the working class tax dollars while creating and building huge debt and the beat goes the names Fannie and Freddie come to mind? How about AIG, Lehman, Merrill Lynch, etc., etc., etc?

As each program failed FDR, his incompetent cabinet and other incompetent—by trial and error—advisors suggested different approaches that would require more working class tax dollars. To cover their incompetence and lies the Democrats and Unions blamed what they called rich Republicans and Corporate bosses for not paying enough taxes and not paying voters a decent wage to cover the growing high cost of living created by FDR and Union Leaders.

Voters did not yet and it is obvious many still do not realize the growing tax problems that the adults of today, as well as their kids and grandkids, would and are continuing to suffer long after most if not all those Democrats were long gone to where ever it is that Democrats finally go. If I were to tell them where they would go I would suggest they not pack warm clothes!

To keep the Democrats in office, huge funding to FDR and the party (Congress and Senate) by labor was a major concern to those in the know. Other programs of reform that caused heavier taxes on the wealthy and new controls over banks and public utilities were an enormous work relief program for the unemployed. All these perks and promises were well funded. Immediate gratification programs were intended to insure more votes, more money, and more power for the party: “The Party of the People.” What a joke!

All those moves put us right where we are today and listening to Barack followers chanting Change, change, change...Well that is exactly what they will get with John McCain, real Change and before it is too late!

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